Things Male need to Avoid During In Vitro Fertilization Process

There are different things that men need to keep in mind that may help them to maintain a proper fertility rate of their sperm. According to Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, best In Vitro Fertilization expert in Delhi, more that 70 percent of couples suffers from either ovulation problems or issues regarding fertility rate of male partners. To overcome different barriers that restrict males to generate their sperm fertility, they need to avoid different things and maintain a healthy life style.

Things Men Need to Avoid before and after IVF

It is true that males are considered as one of the two pillars of society. In our society men are granted as earning members of any family. For this reason, men are more prone to get affected by the increasing pressure of both their professional and personal life. This will also put a negative impact on the fertility rate of their sperm as well as decrease its count and make them struggle to get a healthy pregnancy.  Therefore to overcome this issue, there are different things that men need to avoid are discussed below:

To be avoided before IVF

To get a better result and increase sperm count, there are different things that men need to avoid before having In Vitro Fertilization process:

  • Excessive smoking may lead to a serious effect on reducing the fertility of the sperm, decrease the count and reduce the ability of the sperm to swim and fertilize the female egg.
  • To generate healthy sperm men need to reduce their stress level. Excessive stress and anxiety may decrease both the quality and the count of the sperm.
  • Over consumption of alcohol may affect the quality of the semen in a bad way that lead reduction in the fertility rate and decrease the production of the sperm count.

To be avoided during IVF

To enjoy the effective result of In Vitro Fertilization Treatment, there are different things that men need to avoid after conducting the In Vitro Fertilization process:

  • Avoid sitting for a hot water bath. This will increase the temperature if your testicles and affect the quality as well as the count of the sperm and may restrict you to get the best result of your In Vitro Fertilization treatment.
  • Avoid excessive cycling.
  • Sitting on the laptop may put a negative impact on the sperm and restrict it to process its function actively.
  • Avoid over consumption of different junk foods like oily foods, sweets and different unhealthy foods. It would affect your lifestyle and increase your Body Mass Index.
  • Men should need to avoid the use of lubricant while having sex. This will affect the fertility rate of the sperm in a negative manner. In this case men should use different essential oils like olive oil, baby oil, canola oil or different fertile- friendly lubricants.

Thus in order to avail, the best result of IVF men need to avoid the above – mentioned things that may help them to develop good quality sperm. Besides this, it will help to increase the fertility rate of the sperm and able them to enjoy a happy and healthy parenthood. 

>> Tests that Male Need to Conduct During In Vitro Fertilization Process

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