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Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour – Gynecologist & Infertility Specialist in Delhi
Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour has completed her medical and Obstetrical qualifications in Mumbai in the year 2000. She was very dedicated in this profession and owing to her proficiency she was also involved with treating the very first cases of legal surrogacy in India.
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Treatment Options

IVF Treatments
Under the infertility treatment, we also offer IVF, which is a process in which an egg is fertilized by sperm and stimulated it in the woman’s ovaries, under strict monitoring. The process results in development of embryo in 2–6 days in the laboratory and the same is then transferred to the patient’s uterus to establish a successful pregnancy.

Ovarian Induction
For those who are facing the problem of infertility we are here to assist you. We offer ovarian induction as one of the services to treat infertility and under this process we use tablets/ injections in order to stimulate the ovaries so as to produce “follicles” that are expected to contain eggs. These eggs at appropriate time triggers inside the embryo and to maximize the chances of getting pregnant.

Laser Assisted Hatching
Under the list of infertility, we also follow laser assisted hatching services. This is helpful for the women over 35 years of age which experience frozen embryos and has conducted repeated IVF/ ICSI failures, an improvement in pregnancy rates. Under this service we drill a small hole in the embryo shell that can facilitates the embryo by breaking out of this shell to initiate the implantation process.

Male infertility
Study says that about 30 – 40% of infertility cases are resulted to be the problem of male. There can be various reasons like low sperm count, immobile sperm, blockages that prevents in delivery of sperm. Some other reasons that include male infertility are illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems and etc.

Blastocyst culture
It is one of the techniques developed for in vitro fertilization (IVF). This mentioned procedure acts to maximize the chance of pregnancy rates while minimizing the risk of multiple pregnancies. Blastocyst Embryos are cultured for 3 days before it is transferred into the uterus for fertilization.

Embryo Biopsy for PGS/PGD
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Preimplantation Genetic Screening are the two genetic testing procedures for embryos. The procedures mainly offer couples to pass on a genetic abnormality and become biological parents with minimal risk.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
It is another fertility treatment that we offer to those who are facing this problem. The process involves in placing healthy sperm inside a woman’s uterus so that it starts facilitate fertilization. The main aim of this process is to increase the number of sperm that mainly reaches the fallopian tubes and as a result increase the chance of fertilization.

Surgical sperm retrieval
This is another technique that is being used to assist couples enjoy the phrase of parenthood. The process is suitable for the male partner who has the problem in ejaculating sperm. Sperm are formed in the testes and these are stored in the epididymis when gets mature. In the case if infertility, some men produce sperm in the testis but they faces the problem of not reaching the action of ejaculation. Thus our surgical sperm retrieval can be helpful.

Frozen Embryo Transfer
Under the section of infertility treatment, we also offer Frozen Embryo transfer. This process has increased substantially as it can make an increasingly popular option of getting pregnant before you move to another fresh in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. Using the frozen embryo transfers, you can easily extend the chance of pregnancy per egg retrieval.